2 Apr 2013

Hello Follows

Hi Follows

So I have been a bit busy over the past couple of months with work, college and I have finally joined the gym and I have neglected my poor blog and followers. I am currently on my Easter holidays and have two and a half weeks of so I am going to put as many updates as I can over this space of time :) Yarr!! So I usually end up doing this update saying I am going to do stuff then I forget so I am actually going to start my first update now!! :) 

So in the last post I did I had half pink and half purple hair

This are all the hair colors I have had in the past few months that I have not been updating my blog :) I currently have half teal half purple but I am in the process of letting it fade out to do a new color for my b.day on the 13th April :) 

I am still studing Hair and Media Make up at college and its is going quiet well, I have only got a few weeks left and then in the summer I am going to get myself as much experince as possiable and do alot of freelance work. I also now have a facebook page with my college friend Jenn called Jexee MUA, please like our page and have a look at some of the work we have been doing up to yet :) I will post some stuff up ASAP of my work that I have done and I hope you can see the progress I have made since I last posted :) 
Here is a little taster of my stuff.

Hope this is enough to satisfy you for now haha :)
I will post more up soon

Peace & Love
Roxee Horror

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